Enjoying a once-a-year treat at the Detroit Institute of Arts

One of the things I appreciate most about living near downtown Detroit is our proximity to the arts, specifically to the Detroit Institute of Arts. Gladys and I have always enjoyed taking a spontaneous trip to the museum, and we're finding The Kid likes it too. In fact, our favorite nights to go now are Fridays because they always have plenty of activities each of us enjoy happening throughout the DIA.

After work last Friday, I picked The Kid up from daycare and we headed straight for the DIA for a "papa/daughter" date as we waited for Gladys to come home from a work trip. After crushing some Mac and Cheese (The Kid's current favorite meal), we headed through the American Art section after finding the hall leading to Rivera Court closed. Apparently, this was the night before the big DIA gala and crews were busy setting up for the event.

Rivera Court was closed too, which was going to be a huge disappointment. After I read several signs to The Kid about the art in a few rooms, we always head there so she can just absorb the scene Diego created. We started to walk past when a kind staff member told us the balcony that overlooks the court was open, directing us around the cordoned off area.

The Kid was distraught as we left her favorite place in the DIA, shrieked with happiness when it came in view again, and was distraught again when I started to take her upstairs. When we made it to the top of the stairs and I picked her up so she could enjoy the view, we both stared silently for what seemed like an hour, trying to take in the amazing frescos from a view that we later found out, is only open to the public once a year at most.

We stayed long enough for her to be ready to leave, which was at least 20 minutes. She had a great view of the people depicted on the north and south walls of the fresco, so we spent a good deal of time pointing to "Mama" and "Papa." As we were leaving, the staffer who pointed us to the balcony asked us how we liked it. I was still in awe, so I hope I was able to appropriately thank her for helping me share such a treat with my daughter. It's a date night I will always remember, and one that I wish I packed a better camera for.

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