Glad to see The Kid's foster mom get some well-deserved recognition

I can't imagine taking a child home from the hospital, knowing that you will be caring for the little one for a few months until an adoptive family can be found. While I don't think I have the fortitude to do it, I sure am glad people like Peggy and her family do.
The mobile The Kid's foster family sent
home with us on her first overnight stay. 

I've written about The Kid's foster family before. They were kind and patient with us as new parents, and they gave us all the toys The Kid enjoyed while she was at their home. Most importantly, The Kid went straight from the hospital into a family full of love, and she continues to thrive because of it. 

Metro Parent Magazine has an entire feature this month about fostering, including features of a few foster families. I was happy when Peggy agreed to do the interview, and I was more excited to see her story in print. To grow up with parents who fostered other kids, then to decide to carry the tradition on is a testimony to a giving spirit. I can only hope others are inspired by her example. 

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